Message from HOD

Er. Ambikesh Kumar Jha

Head of Department
Department of Civil Engineering

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Department of Civil Engineering at National College of Engineering. It is a unique experience to be at the helm of affairs of this great department. This department is the foundation of this great institute, which has produced hundreds of civil engineers. The department is having a blend of experience and youth to achieve its goals. At NCE, we equip you with the fundamental skills to succeed as a Civil Engineer in today’s complex world.

Our students pursue education in classrooms, laboratories as well as in field subjects. Many of our students pursue opportunities at government organizations, private sector within our country as well as abroad, or participate in many of NCE’s stimulating activities. We are continuously progressing to achieve the motto of establishing our department as a center of academic excellence for the students dreaming of becoming a great Civil Engineer.