- Go to the official website of the National College of Engineering (
- Click on the Admission icon and select the Application Form tab.
- Enter your IoE Entrance Roll Number, Rank, Contact, Parent’s Contact, Email (Optional) and select at least 1 Priority of the Engineering program.
- Choose one of the payment modes either e-Sewa, Bank Voucher, or Fonepay.
- On choosing e-Sewa, automatic redirection to e-Sewa wallet helps in the payment procedure.
- For the Bank Voucher option, a bank voucher of the deposited payment amount Rs. 500 via NMB or GlobalIME bank must be uploaded.
- While for the Fonepay option, payment should be done through the provided QR code of the aforementioned Banks.
- Finally, click on the Submit button to complete the application process.
- On submission of the application form, a pop-up will be displayed confirming the submission process.
- The application form will be approved by NCE Admission Team.
- The application status of any individual can be checked on Application Status by entering the IOE Rank and Roll Number at any time.
- For any inconvenience, please contact NCE at 015151387/9851277987.
- Please visit the NCE Website ( for further updates regarding Admission.
Bank Details:
NMB Bank(any branch)
A/C Name: National College of Engineering
(Nepal National Education Academy)
A/C maintained at: Kumaripati, Lalitpur
A/C No.0160052529400061

The NCE application form can be directly filled out via e-Sewa. Please visit and search National College of Engineering or NCE and fill up the application form by entering your IoE Entrance Roll Number, Rank, Contact, Parent’s Contact, Email (Optional) and select at least 1 Priority of the Engineering program. Proceed to payment of Rs.500 with your e-Sewa login credentials. After the payment, confirm your application at the Application Status tab in