Computer-Based IOE Mock Entrance Exam 

Mock results & important information

You can now access the results of your mock entrance test on our website We will send our discount offer based on your performance on the mock entrance test through the sms. Some seats for the mock tests have been added in the pre-announced shifts.

National College of Engineering (NCE) takes pride in its commitment to fostering academic excellence and nurturing the aspirations of students. In line with this commitment, NCE is thrilled to announce an inclusive opportunity for all +2 passed students aspiring to crack the prestigious Institute of Engineering (IOE) Entrance Examination. We understand the significance of thorough preparation for this highly competitive exam, and as a gesture of support to the engineering aspirants, NCE is opening its doors to offer a comprehensive Mock Test for IOE Entrance.
This initiative is a testament to our belief in providing a level playing field to all students, irrespective of their background. The Mock Test will not only simulate the real IOE Entrance Examination environment but will also serve as a valuable tool for self-assessment and improvement. Aspiring engineers can put their knowledge and skills to the test, gauge their strengths and weaknesses, and gain insights into the exam’s format and difficulty level.

Read guideline: Mock test Guideline
Register for Computer-Based IOE Entrance Mock Test : Click to Register for Mock Test 

The Mock Test will be curated by our experienced faculty members and subject experts who are well-versed in the IOE Entrance syllabus and examination patterns. Participating students will have the opportunity to experience firsthand the rigors of the actual examination, helping them build confidence and better strategize their approach for the real test day.
At NCE, we believe in holistic education that goes beyond classroom learning, and this Mock Test initiative aligns perfectly with that ethos. It’s not just about preparing students for a single exam; it’s about empowering them with the tools they need to excel in their academic journey. We are excited to welcome all +2 passed students to our campus for this invaluable experience, and we look forward to contributing to their success as they set out to conquer the IOE Entrance Examination and realize their dreams of becoming successful engineers.
As the mock test schedule and registration details will be announced soon on our official platforms, we encourage all aspiring engineers to follow our Facebook page and stay tuned for updates. At NCE, we are dedicated to shaping the engineers of tomorrow, and initiatives like these reflect our unwavering commitment to education, equity, and excellence.

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प्रवेश परीक्षा २०८० सम्बन्धि सूचना

इ.अ. सं. का आंगिक तथा सम्बन्धन प्राप्त कलेजहरूमा भर्ना भई अध्ययन गर्न चाहने विद्यार्थीहरूले फाराम भर्नुभएको छैन भने असोज २२ गते देखि २४ गतेसम्म फाराम